4th Of July Safety Awareness Tips For Dog Owners

The 4th of July is often a fun celebration for many that includes fireworks, barbecues, and drinking. Unfortunately, it is often one of the least loved holidays for pets, especially dogs. If you have a dog, it is recommended that you find a way for both you and your pet to enjoy the day. A veterinarian from your nearby animal clinic can help. 

Keeping Your Dog Calm 

The loud racket caused by fireworks is often nerve-racking for dogs. In fact, a staggering 80% of pet owners report changes in their dog's behavior as the 4th of July approaches. Nearly half of those same pet owners say their dog is afraid of the loud noises caused by fireworks. 

You can identify dogs who are afraid of fireworks by the following behaviors: 

  • Hiding 
  • Shaking 
  • Drooling 
  • Heavy panting 
  • Attempting to escape 

When you head out for 4th of July fun, it is better to leave your dog at home to minimize exposure. Try turning on some calming music or white noise in the background to diminish the sound of fireworks. Another recommendation is to speak to a veterinarian about medications that might help ease your dog's anxiety and fear. 

Maintaining Healthy Eating 

What dog doesn't love the occasional treat every now and then? What better treat is there to offer than a delicious piece of meat straight off the grill? According to a survey, approximately 68% of respondents said that they enjoy hosting barbecue parties on the 4th.  

While it may seem like a good idea to offer your pet some of the delicious food you plan to prep for the 4th, you may want to think again. Meat that contains bones can pose a hazard to your dog once it is cooked. Cooked meat with bones may splinter and lead to internal damage. There are also certain foods that can cause blockages and upset stomach issues in dogs.  

If your dog happens to come into contact with food that you cook for the 4th and issues arise, make sure to contact your local animal clinic immediately for help. 

Providing Water Safety 

Many people love to travel during the 4th of July and what better place to be than the beach? As a dog owner, it is likely that you will want to take your precious four-legged pal with you. Make sure you keep a close eye on your dog as you romp and play along the beach. 

Dogs who run and play often need to stop for a drink, so make sure to keep fresh drinking water with you at all times. Should your dog happen to swallow a few mouthfuls of seawater, it is unlikely to cause anything more than some diarrhea. However, too much seawater can cause severe dehydration and can be fatal to your dog. 

If your dog happens to consume too much seawater, make sure you contact your local vet for assistance. It is also recommended that you meet with your vet before the 4th of July to discuss any other tips for keeping your dog safe, happy, and healthy.  

For more information, contact a local hospital like Clovis Veterinary Hospital P A.

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About Me

Veterinary Care and the Health of Your Dog Owning a dog is enjoyable for many people and these pets are a significant part of their family. An important aspect of dog ownership is to ensure the animal has regular veterinary care. We aren't veterinarians, but we do understand the importance of vet care for pets. We've interviewed many animal doctors to learn about veterinary care and we've written this blog to share our findings. The posts on this site will outline the frequency of wellness visits and vaccinations for your pet. You'll also discover warning signs that indicate your pet is in distress and in need of immediate medical help. We hope the articles on this blog will answer the questions you have about veterinary care for your dog so your pet can stay healthy for a long time.

